Giant Hailstones!
Our therapy ponies really are THE BEST!!
This morning Arthur, Barney and Toby were expecting to work with the children at Larwood school in the playground but the horrendous rain, gales and hailstones meant an unexpected change of plan when we arrived. They had to work indoors in the school hall. This was a MASSIVE ask for Toby and Barney as it was only the 2nd time Barney has been indoors and for Toby, the first time wearing a nappy and being inside a building. They were both AMAZING dealing with excited children returning from their Easter break, wooden flooring, walls full of pictures and paintings and a room that echoed.
Both boys listened and followed EVERYTHING that the handlers were asking them to do. Their training allowed them to be relaxed in a potentially stressful situation. A credit to the Pixie and Pickles staff today (Lindsey, Sarah and Michelle) and also a big mention for Arthur who was calm and professional as always, which Barney and Toby appreciated and followed his lead.