Peterborough Telegraph write up about our visit to Barchester Longueville Care home, Peterborough. July 2021
Two shetland ponies had made a dream come true for a resident who suddenly became ill and has suffered life changing injuries. Sarah, one of the residents, was an experienced horse rider.
Last year she suffered a fall and was left with life changing injuries. Her dream was to see a horse again, to touch and smell and experience the sensation again. The home’s head of Activities (Michella) was determined to find a way to make it happen.
She got in touch with Lindsey from Pixie and Pickles Therapy ponies and arranged for Pickles and Oliver to come in and go room to room and into the garden. She said that Sarah absolutely loved the afternoon. It was wonderful to see a massive smile on her face when she saw them. Another resident, Beryl, really benefitted from the visit.
She was struggling to figure out where she was recently and often cried. Once she saw the ponies she was completely transformed.
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